Sunday, October 28, 2012



It is this time of year! Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the geek-a-thon according to Gramma! ha! I am so very GRATEFUL for all that our father above has given us! I love to do the {geekathon} ha! It is like a mini triphalon! It consists of a 300 meter swim, then 4 mile bike ride, and last but not least a 2 mile run! Me and one of my best friend are planning on finishing it together this year! :) :) I am really excited and i am so Grateful for all that i have!! :) :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


What should i be for Halloween!? I have one Idea, But does anyone else have any ideas that are simple, cute, and easy!??? :) :) Well Who is excited! I AM! :) :)


Ellie is now one month old and a few days because i am late! Well go see her cute little one month old video and her pictures here! She is so darling I LOVE HER LEX! :)

Now here is a few copied pictures off of facebook and her blog! ha!

Blessing Day! :)

They didn't even plan this! ha! :)

First Sunday!! :) She is so gorgeous! 

Coming home! :)

Look at that smile! :)

Few Hours old! I love you Ellie! :)

Ellie pictures before they left! :)

Proud Daddy! :)

Proud Mama! :)

1 month old! :)

First Day!! :) You are so little Ellie! :)

Smiling because she just farted on Zac! haha! :) 

cute little feet!! :) I am holding her at this time! ha!

Uncle and Niece! You guys are so cute! 

Mommy and baby!! :) Aren't they just so cute!! :)

I love you Ellie! And i am so glad that you are my little niece!! :) And thanks Alexa for taking so many pictures of her and letting me copy your pictures off of your blog and facebook! haha!! :) :) 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012





I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my new little cutie pie niece!! :) See pictures here!! I think that my sister posts almost daily about her cute little baby aka my cute little niece!! :) :) I love you Ellie!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

New Niece!

I am so sorry that i have not posted for a long time! I have just been so busy Baby Shower, Funeral, School, Soccer... and now the BABY! I love my little niece Ellie Marie Zurcher! She is sooo cute! and i love being an aunt!! :) :) Ellie... If you have a facebook you would have already seen her and if you know my sisters blog than ya! so you can go to my sisters blog here! She is sooo cute! I could go on and on about her! she is the cutest little thing! and Chloe my wonderful cousin made the cutest little blanket for her! :) So... Ellie Marie Zurcher was born Thursday September 20th at 1:54 in the afternoon weighing 6lb 8oz! She is a tiny one!!! I love ELLIE!! :) :) Pictures to come soon! :)