Sunday, October 27, 2013

Digital Photography

So for advisory (a 30 minute class to seperate lunches!) i have digital photography! I had to take a picture this weekend of... What looks like happy? He said it could be anything you just had to decide what you wanted it to be! I chose SOCCER of course because that looks like happy to me! Here is the picture i took!
You will probably see more of the picture assignments i have to take for digital photography later on! 


  1. Love this!! The green grass, blue sky, and your favorite soccer stuff!! It makes me happy to watch you play soccer! xoxoxo

  2. Whoops! Hat comment above is from me.... I didn't see that you were still signed in!!

  3. Fun!! our whole family is OBSESSED with photography, good thing! I LOVE THAT PICTURE! Miss you and love you so much!(:

  4. Fabulous photographers run in our family for sure! Great picture Grace. We love you and miss you so much. xoxoxo
